Is the Mobile Phone Merely a Device?
The mobile phone is no longer just that. It has become like an extension of our thoughts, likes and lives. We download the genre of music we like, we watch the kind of videos we like and shop on our favourite stores all through the phone.
The smartphone has transformed business operating models and even marketplaces. No organisation, wants to be seen without its own app. The mobile app ecosystem is an extremely crowded one today. Brands are all out to outdo each other. New and innovative technology seeps its way into these apps on daily basis. Custom Mobile Application Development is the rage and will continue to remain so.
These figures will tell you the story
Apple App Store has more than 4.75 million apps
• Similarly, Google PlayStore has more than 2.9 million apps.
• Unbelievably, 73% Millennials shop at least four times per week via their mobile apps.
• Canada alone saw 1100 mobile app downloads
Enterprises today definitely acknowledge that they cannot remain competitive with an app. Moreover, the app should have a USP of its own. Differentiation is the key to retaining customers. Obviously, the benefits of customised mobile apps are many. For instance, businesses have experienced higher RoI’s, better engagement with customers, brand visibility and expanded market penetration with the launch of customised apps.
Market Outlook
The m- app market is expected to stay bullish over the next few years. Market estimates from globenewswire indicate that the market will rise at a CAGR of 12.4% from 2021-2031 to touch US$ 307 bn. As technological innovations expand, the growth for mobile devices will rise. Rising internet accessibility is leading to the rise in m commerce. Consequently, it will fuel the growth in mobile applications.
With foldable phones now entering the market, the m-commerce segment will further bloom. Estimates dictate that 50 million foldable devices will take the markets by storm by next year.
Moreover, there is an increase in the use of mobile apps by popular industry sectors. E-commerce, Gaming, Music and Entertainment, Health and Fitness, Education etc are sectors that have ensured that the mobile apps become the lifeline of people.
How to deliver Winning Apps
Studies reveal that 76% people check their phones as the last thing to do before sleeping. Moreover, it’s the first thing they pick on waking up. People have social apps, shopping apps, music apps, news apps and so many more that it is an extension of their lives.
It is a potent connector- one that can connect brands to users. Hence, brands cannot undermines the importance to connect faster and effectively with customers. However, there is a very competitive business landscape out there. To stand out, brands need to create technologically superior and feature rich apps.
However, developing all this is a complex process.
The development teams have to be professionally qualified, talent rich and follow the best practices in mobile app development to create winning apps. On the other hand, business owners can benefit from knowing which best practices to follow in mobile app development.
Let’s assess:
Vision Mapping
Outlining the objective for building an app is the most important task. Why do want to build an app? What do you expect from the app? These are some of the most basic questions. However they are also the most crucial ones to ask. They will set the systems and processes into action for the entire lifecycle.
The vision should be understood by all team members.
This will allow the developers to set the concept, features and functionalities for the app. Developers can sit with the related teams and work on how to incorporate the essential features versus over cramming with non-essential features. The app can be tested for user feedback after the preliminary launch. Thereafter user feedback can dictate the requirements.
Focus on User Interface and Wireframe
The initial stages in the app development process should include the wireframe sketching. After the apps objective has been established, the developer will coordinate with other experts such as a information architect to set up the wireframe and user journey. Post that the developer will work on the look and feel of the app. Mock ups and tests will allow the developer to test viability, functionality and features.
Privacy Matters
Garnering the trust of customers is the hallmark of an ethical company. It helps to win over customers in the long term. Customers are more likely to spend on brands they view as trustworthy. Hence, data privacy should be taken very seriously. Full disclosure of data sharing and usage is one of the most ethical business practices.
Know your Audience
Identifying your target audience is the most basic step that will determine the success of your app. Only when you know you are developing the app for, can you customise it to their preferences. Accordingly, you can infuse it with the content and features that they seek. When you target a specific audience, the chances of getting downloaded increase. Overall that helps with increasing your visibility within the app store.
Mobile apps facilitate interactions with customers without inconveniencing them. It allows for them to interact with your product as per their convenience, making the whole purchase journey more pleasurable.
Simple but Precise Navigation
The navigation should be structured so that the app meets the needs of the majority of users. Keep the navigation easy to use. It should always be accessible. Having a menu with well-designed and easily identifiable tabs is always a good practice. A well- structured navigation can catch user’s attention and induce them to explore. Moreover, the navigation should not occupy too much space.
To wrap up, mobile app development is one of the most bankable business marketing tools today. Different companies specialise in different markets. For example, app development companies Canada will understand the demographics and market dynamics in Canada much better. It makes business sense to tie up with a reputed mobile app development company who has specific experience and expertise in the market that you want to cater to. We hope this mini guide will help you to create winning apps along with your app solution provider.