What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland- a walnut-sized gland found in men, located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The function of the prostate is to produce fluid that carries sperm, known as semen. The role of fluid is to protect the sperm when it travels towards the female egg.

Prostatitis causes pain or difficulty in urination. It can affect men of all ages but is more common in men over the age of 50. The most common symptoms of prostatitis are a pain in the pelvic area or genitals and groin area, along with flu-like symptoms. Prostatitis that occurs due to bacteria is treated with antibiotics. If you have any symptoms of prostatitis, you must consult with an andrologist in Lahore.

What are the Symptoms of Prostatitis?

The signs and symptoms of prostatitis are;

        Dysuria- pain while urinating

        Burning in urine

        Dribbling or hesitant urination

        Need to urinate urgently

        Blood in urine

        Cloudy urine

        Pain in lower back, groin, or abdomen

        Pain in the perineum- a layer between scrotum and rectum

        Painful ejaculation

        Discomfort or pain in penis or testicles

        Bacterial prostatitis may also cause flu-like symptoms.

What is the Cause of Prostatitis?

Often prostatitis is caused by bacteria, known as bacterial prostatitis. It can occur due to the leakage of bacteria in your prostate from urine. The healthcare providers prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial prostatitis. If they are not taken properly, the infection can re-occur, making it even more difficult to treat.

Surgery and trauma can also cause nerve damage that can also lead to prostatitis, however not bacterial. In most cases of prostatitis, the cause is unknown.

What are the Risk Factors of Prostatitis?

The risk factors for prostatitis are;

        Being middle-aged

        Having a history of prostatitis

        Infection of the urinary bladder or the urethra- a tube that transports urine and semen

        Trauma to the pelvic region due to horseback riding or injury

        Having a urinary catheter inserted for a long time. It is a tube that carries urine out from your urinary bladder.

        Having acquired immunodeficiency virus or AIDS

        Having a prostate biopsy

What are the Complications of Prostatitis?

The complications of prostatitis include;

        Bacteremia- a condition that occurs when bacteria reaches the blood. It can occur if you do not take antibiotics properly. When you start to feel better with antibiotic therapy, do not leave-taking it. Instead, you must complete the course as prescribed by the physician.

       When you leave antibiotics in the middle of the treatment, it can result in                                antibiotic resistance. It makes it even more difficult to treat the condition.                                            Therefore you must take them at the time and dose as your doctor prescribes.

        Epididymitis- inflammation of the epididymis- a coiled tube attached at the back of the testicles. It stores and transports sperms from testes.


        Prostatic abscess- a condition in which pus-filled cavity forms in the prostate.

        Chronic prostatitis- when prostatitis is not treated, it can result in chronic prostatitis. It can, in turn, lead to semen abnormalities and infertility. Therefore you should not take it lightly.


Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland. It may not be life-threatening, but it needs to be treated soon as it may affect fertility. It can occur in men of any age group, but it is more common among men above the age of 50.

There is no evidence that prostatitis can lead to cancer of the prostate. But you must take care of yourself. If your healthcare provider has prescribed antibiotics, complete the course properly at the right time and in the right dose. If you have a complaint of prostate inflammation, you must visit an andrologist in Karachi.

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