Tips To Help You Breastfeed Properly

 Believe It Or Not, There Is Technique Involved

Breastfeeding requires a bit of effort if you’re going to do it properly. Sure, your body should naturally start lactating just before and right after you give birth. Is that necessarily going to be the case? No. Sometimes you won’t produce milk at all, sometimes you won’t produce enough milk, and sometimes you’ll produce milk sporadically.

There are best practices in diet, lactation induction, milk pumping, and other factors involved to help you produce more breastmilk more often and more reliably. In a word, there’s a “technique” to it, and the same applies to normal feeding.

Though you and your child should have a subconscious alignment which allows the child to nurse and you to feed without any thought, that doesn’t tend to be the case for all women. Some women have latching issues, other women can’t handle the raw paps they end up dealing with soon after the baby is born, and there can be clogged milk ducts to contend with.

If you’re going to breastfeed properly, you want to know what challenges there are, and ways you can overcome common issues so you’ve got a more conducive, more comfortable, healthier technique. Here we’ll briefly cover a few things you might want to think about so you are able to breastfeed better.

1. Master The Right Breastfeeding “Hold” points out ten breastfeeding holds that are most conducive to breastfeeding. Seven of the most common include the cross-cradle hold, the football hold (this one is very helpful for twins, as you can feed them simultaneously), the side-lying position, laid-back breastfeeding, upright breastfeeding (sometimes called the koala hold), and dangle feeding.

At varying times as you feed your child, you might try all of these holds and more. Health professionals say it’s healthy to breastfeed your child up to two years, so you’ve got ample time to explore until you find the option that best fits you and your baby.

2. Seek Help From Professionals

Getting a proper latch can involve positioning the baby right, and helping to start the child to suckling by stimulating your breast slightly—pushing down on it a little to squeeze the milk out. Here are some more points to consider as you perfect your technique when it comes to latch breastfeeding.

3. Change Your Diet, And Align Feeding Times

How you eat, when you eat, what you eat, and how much you eat will all influence the amount of breastmilk your body produces. It’s also notable that when you feed the child may contribute to how much milk you produce. When the baby is hungry, you should feed him. This will help your body get used to a cycle of feeding and replenishing afterward.

If the baby quits feeding before you’re done expressing, then you want to pump the excess milk and store it. You can keep it refrigerated for up to four days. If you really want to keep it around long-term, then if you freeze it immediately you can keep it for between six and twelve months.

Incorporating The Right Techniques Helps You And Your Baby

While every mother is different, using the right sort of breastfeeding hold for your baby, getting professional help from those who specialize in lactation, and aligning your diet to the needs of your body all represent fine ways to properly breastfeed your child.

Certainly, you may have no trouble with this from the very beginning, but at minimum, you should have resources available in case things don’t work out as you expected.

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