In our daily lives, stress serves a fundamental purpose. It helps us respond to threats better and prevent dangers. But if you experience prolonged exposure to stress, it might result in mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.
Further, it might also heighten your susceptibility to other physical health issues. Moreover, some studies suggest an increase in your stress levels tends to hamper your body’s ability to combat physical illness. Indeed, you cannot avoid stress altogether.
But, there are certainly ways for you to recover better from it.
Here, we will help you with some practical ways to help you deal with stress better. Let us get started and address them one by one.
Could you write it down?
‘What is bothering you? Regardless of how big or small that is, take a journal, and write it down. Now, alongside what’s bothering you, also input what you are grateful for in life. This can be an excellent way to lower your anxiety and stress levels by shifting your focus from negative things to positive achievements,’ states Jessica, an online reviewer who did the best balding clippers review.
Be physically active
We all know the many health benefits of exercising every day. In addition to it, exercising daily can help lower your stress levels. You can opt for a mix of exercises, such as strength training, competitive cardio workout, and relaxing workouts, such as Tai Chi or yoga. When you work out, your body releases endorphins, an automatic mood booster, thereby making you feel better.
Slow down in life
We lead a modern stressful life, which is busy and full of things to do. But, you know what? Just slow down, and relax for a bit. Make a to-do list, and then look for smaller escapes in-between the tasks.
For instance, if you have to reach somewhere the next day, set your watch to 15 minutes ahead. In this manner, you will get to your destination, even without having to rush. At the same time, when you are on a highway, take your vehicle in the slow lane. In this manner, you can avoid a collision.
A more practical, or rather a professional way to look at it, would be to break down your big tasks into smaller ones. This makes them seem achievable, and you do not feel the need to rush to it. Slowing down in life automatically takes away your stress levels.
‘A lot of people believe that a good diet is only to maintain a healthy weight. But, you know what? The benefits of what is on your plate go beyond just maintaining your waistline. It also affects how you feel throughout the day – active, lazy, happy, sad, or joyful.
Hence, what you eat, does impact your mental health and stress levels,’ points out Janice, an online reviewer, who did the best fish finder under 200 reviews.
A healthy diet lowers your stress levels and helps boost your immunity. At the same time, it can reduce blood pressure, uplift your mood, and strengthen your immune system. So, naturally, if you consume a high fat and sugar content diet, it will impact your body negatively.
Unfortunately, a lot of us experience this problem. When we are sad or depressed, we tend to hog onto food. Even though it may make you feel happy at the moment, but it will only be transient. Hence, to stay healthy and keep your stress levels in check, you must add lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, nuts, eggs, meat, and Omega-3 fatty-acid-rich fish.
Antioxidants can be highly beneficial too. They guard your body’s cells against damage, which may occur as an outcome of your surging stress levels. You can add antioxidants to your diet by including foods such as berries, fruits, vegetables, beans, and spices like ginger to your diet.
To ensure that you eat healthily, you must shop for healthy foods. Prepare a shopping list, and list out all the healthy foods that you enjoy, then add some healthy snacks to that list, and keep only 1-2 percent of the list for unhealthy or not-so-healthy snacks that you can log on to on days when you want to celebrate your commitment towards your body. When you have less of it available, you will naturally eat less of it.
Experts suggest that certain nutrients can lower the stress levels in our bodies. These include Omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium, and Vitamin C. Try to add more foods rich in these nutrients to your diet and or consider taking supplements. For example, not meeting your daily magnesium requirements? Look into taking on supplements such as RnA ReSet, which can help compensate for lack of magnesium rich foods.
Try Guided Imagery
‘One of the best ways to describe guided imager is - a mini-vacation that happens solely in your mind. So, in this, you can imagine you being in any corner of the world that makes you happy. It could be on the beach enjoying the cool breeze or enjoying your favourite meal in your favourite restaurant or your favourite travel destination.
Regardless of what it may be, the mere remembrance of the happy memory can automatically make you happy,’ comments Sheena, an online reviewer who did the Kohler Santa Rosa reviews.
An effective way to do guided imagery is by hearing a recording. In this, you will be guided by a voice that will lead you to that peaceful and happy memory in your head. After a while, you will not need this voice, and you will know how to do it by yourself.
So, sit, close your eyes, and think of that pleasant memory, every time you feel stressed. It will automatically make you feel better instantly.
Get adequate sleep
‘Lack of sleep can also heighten your stress levels. However, unfortunately, it is also the stress that does not let us sleep peacefully at times. So, the problem is when you are stressed, you cannot sleep, and when you do not get adequate sleep, your productivity diminishes, and you feel stressed. Thus, it is nothing but a vicious loop,’ shares Sofya, an online educator who takes the operating system course online.
One of the best ways to ensure that you sleep on time is having a fixed sleep schedule regardless of everything. If you sleep and wake up at the same time every day, your body adapts to that time and naturally puts you to rest when you lie down.
Also, keep away from screens for at least 2 hours before going to bed. Lastly, have a light meal, and empty your bladder before you head to bed.