Privacy policy of Google


The services of Google are very useful for all human people. And it is useful if you want to search something, want to contact with someone as well as search any useful content, then you can find all these things on Google. If you want to create Google accounts, then you will need to share your personal information with Google and against this information, you should be provided lot of benefits like fastest search speed, sharing different pictures and videos with other and many other useful things. Here we will discuss that what kinds of information Google collect from you against the services of Google. So when you will use Google services, then you should remain ready for providing some information.

Information that Google collect from its users

If you want to get better services from Google, then you will need to provide some information that Google will demand. However, you will enter your basic information for creating Google accounts. Google will collect information from you through following ways.

Information that you will provide to Google

If you want to sign up Google account, then it is important to use some Google services. And when you will try to use these services, then Google will ask about some requirements like your name, age, email address as well as phone number or debit and credit card number. Moreover, if you want to share the services of Google and want to be famous, then Google will suggest you to create your profile that will include on your picture as well as good name.

Information that Google will collect from you

Above we have discussed your personal life information and when you want to get the services of Google, and then you should need to provide such information. But there are some other information that Google will collect itself from you. If you will be unaware from these information, but Google will know and collect from you. Google uses its internal system for collection of such information. Mostly Google will collect such information when you will watch a video on YouTube, or visit a website through Google link and such other categories activities. Following types of information will be collected by Google, when you will use Google accounts.

Device information

When you will use the services of Google, then Google will collect information about your device that you are using for these services. Google knows that which type of mobile number and model you are using, it can collect the information about your hardware, operating system and mobile network. So, all this collection is only for providing you best services and don’t afraid that Google will use your information for illegal activities.

Log information

When you will use the services of Google, then some information will be automatically collected by Google. And all these information will be stored in internal system of Google. When you will search anything on Google, then you’re searching quarries will be collected by Google? The phone number that is involving in this search will be saved. Not only phone number, but call duration will be saved.

Location information

While using Google services, your location will be traced and it will be easy to find the place where you are using Google services. Google can trace your location, IP address, GPS system and the signals point those you are using for Google services.

Although, you want to provide such information to Google or not, Google will collect these information. However, you will be lucky that against minimum information, you can avail unlimited services of Google. So it is benefit for you to buy Google accounts for your business.

Buy Google accounts

Google divides its email services accounts in 2 kinds, Gmail accounts and G Suite accounts. Both types of accounts have their own features and functions. However, all social media platforms are circulating around Google accounts. And if you want to use maximum social apps, then you should buy Google accounts. Because both categories of Google accounts are useful for using different social apps and when you will buy Google accounts, then you will get the keys of all social apps lockers. It is important to note here that Google accounts are count as safest accounts for your business. Because its privacy policy is user’s friendly. So after buying Google accounts, you can use these accounts in all legal activities.

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