Packaging and label design: trends 2024


Many manufacturers of truly quality products believe that packaging and label design is of secondary importance, because the main thing is the unique characteristics and cost of the product. In some ways they are right, but if there are tens or hundreds of similar products next to the product, then the design comes out on top.

In other words, it is the first time a customer meets your product "by clothes", and it is the label or packaging that allows you to attract attention and stand out from the competitive mass. Our article, we will tell you what trends and rules exist in the design of this area, and talk about how the process of developing and testing packaging and labels is going on.

The importance of quality packaging and label design

Packaging design plays an important role as it influences:

  • frequency of purchase of goods;
  • gross revenue;
  • market share;
  • the time it takes to return on your investment ROI.

Research has shown that it takes no more than 6 seconds for a consumer to make a purchase decision.

Today in supermarkets the buyer meets with 30,000-100,000 items of goods. Therefore, it is so important for a manufacturer to stand out from competitors. When there are goods from a dozen companies on one shelf, and some of them have already earned the trust of the audience, private label chains, the design of packaging and labels turns into the only opportunity for dialogue with the customer in the store. Do not forget about indirect competitors, that is, products from other categories with similar consumer characteristics. Let's say a person can buy yoghurt of your own production or porridge for breakfast, but from another manufacturer.

Unfortunately, practice shows that today advertising has lost its influence on buyers for black mailer boxes, which it could boast ten years ago. The necessary effect can be achieved only by investing tens of millions of rubles in prime-time promotion on federal channels. A modern person is used to being constantly surrounded by advertising, so he managed to develop a defensive reaction. Many people try to avoid viewing ads, for example, by switching channels or clicking the "Skip" button, if we are talking about advertising on the Internet, not intending to waste their time and money at this moment.

The situation is completely different if people purposefully come to the store - they are ready to buy right now. They also look closely at the design of packaging and labels, so it is important for a manufacturer to sell as much of a product as possible without giving up such a chance to competitors.

10 requirements for packaging design

1. Simplicity and clarity.

The rhythm of modern life does not allow people to spend a lot of time studying packaging. Therefore, the manufacturer's task is to help them by making it easier to get to know the product. Avoid a lot of detail, make sure you have as much space as possible for important product information.

2. Fonts.

Using unusual or custom-designed fonts can make a product stand out on the shelf. Free fonts or specially designed fonts can evoke an emotional connection and highlight product features.

3. Unusual colors.

It is no secret that each color provokes specific emotions, which is most important when making a purchase decision. Designers today favor bold colors and associations. It happens that it is difficult for a person to remember the name of a product, but he remembers its packaging.

A good solution would be to use different shades of the same color when developing packaging and label designs for a line of products.

4. Patterns.

With the right choice of these design elements, the packaging design becomes colorful. Use a motif that reflects the essence of the brand - let's say a leaf pattern is the best for eco-products.

5. Illustrations.

Each brand has its own history, features that distinguish it from other products in this sector. You can tell the consumer about your product with a story illustration. Thus, a brand image beneficial to the manufacturer is formed and becomes integral.

6. Postal items.

Relatively recently, a trend has emerged to arrange packaging in the form of a postal parcel. And such a trick attracts the audience, since many people associate the package with travel, distant countries, souvenirs.

Sometimes postage stamps are used in the design of packaging and labels, which differ depending on the region of production of the raw materials. As a result, the customer feels that the product is made just for him.

7. Transparent inserts.

An ordinary box does not allow you to view the contents without opening it. And this feature does not suit most consumers, because it is important for them to understand at the stage of purchase what the product itself looks like. Therefore, manufacturers try to choose packaging with viewing windows, allowing the customer to see the product and be sure of its quality.

8. Vintage.

For a long time, the design in this style does not lose its relevance. The older generation, thanks to such packaging of the goods, seems to be transferred to the days of their youth. Whereas younger buyers are touching an era unfamiliar to them.

9. Naturalness.

The desire for a healthy lifestyle has now captured almost all consumers. Many people try to buy products without harmful additives and preservatives. Therefore, manufacturers focus on the naturalness of the product using soft, natural colors in the design of packaging and labels.

10. Compactness.

People spend most of the day at work, training courses, training, but not at home. This means that the packaging should be small so that it is convenient to take it with you. Also, when designing, it is important to remember the features of the product itself.


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