How to Make Money on a Part-Time Basis as a Retiree

It may well be the case that, once you officially retire, you never have any intention whatsoever of ever having another job, part-time or otherwise, for the rest of your life.

Some are fortunate enough to be able to adhere to this pledge, but for others, either through necessity or even boredom, extra cash is certainly needed, and with that being said, here’s how to make money on a part-time basis as a retiree.

Dog Walking 

The beauty of retirement is the freedom that you’ve now earned to spend your days doing exactly what you want to do and when you want to do it, and if you’re a self-described animal lover, then why not give dog walking a try? You could choose to simply knock on the doors of your closest neighbors who share their home with a dog, or else distribute leaflets in your local area.

Not only will this allow you access to one or more furry friends on a regular basis, but it will also help you to maintain a good level of physical health and fitness, too and ensure that you get out of the house regularly, walking around the local neighborhood and meeting new people on the way.

Accounting Services 

If your professional life was one firmly positioned in the world of business, then you could always consider using your skills to help other people on a one-to-one, part-time basis, based from your own home

Naturally, this may well require you to either complete a refresher qualification in your specific field, but the small outlay to gain a certification will be repaid almost instantly with the business of just a couple of clients. 

Bookkeeping from home is a popular choice for retired accountants, as is providing a tax-paying and refund requesting service for neighbors and locals who work as freelance traders, or else are self-employed. 

Work Out a Savings Plan 

Unless you’ve amassed an impressive amount of money in your savings account while you were working full-time in your professional career, another element to consider is how to maximize the monetary profit from your part-time working endeavors.

Book an appointment with one of the leading wealth management advisors for retirement, who can tell you exactly where you’re going wrong when it comes to how you spend and indeed, how you save your money and which investments are far more secure than others.

Bond Funds 

Finally, if you’re already well versed in matters relating to the stock market and the financial sector, another tried and tested way of earning that little bit of extra cash once you’ve retired is to invest in bond funds.

Essentially, bond funds are one of the best ways of diversifying your bond portfolio without having to choose and invest in each individual one separately. There are four main issuers of bond funds; corporations, municipalities, states, and of course, the federal government, with junk bonds (alternatively called high-yielding bonds), providing much less security and far more risk.

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