How to Choose the Best Hair Salon for Your Perming

Hair perming has been a popular styling method since the ’80s. The word ‘perm’ stands as the short form of ‘permanent wave’. To keep up with the fashion trends and beauty standards, many women used to make their hair look bigger and fluffier with various perming techniques. However, unlike the past, hair perming creates more natural-looking results at present, and those who are tired of having perfectly straight hair go for perming to make it curly or wavy as they wish. Since it is a procedure that includes a number of strong chemicals, it is crucial to pick the best perm hair salon to get your hair permed. In this article, you are going to learn what to look for and consider when selecting the best hair salon for your perming. 

Pick a Place

Getting a hair perm is not a simple procedure. Perming is restructuring your hair strands giving them a completely different texture. During the process, the perming chemicals break the keratin bonds of your hair and rebuild them in the form you want using perm rods. Given how complicated the procedure is and how potent the chemicals used in it, finding a top-notch hair salon is crucial if you are going for a quality perm.

Generally, a perm lasts for several months. When choosing a salon, you should not settle for what is nearest or cheapest to you unless they are qualified to run the procedure on your hair. As there are numerous hair salons in Singapore, choosing the right one might be a little tough at times. However, here are some tips to find a good hair salon for your perming,

  • Make a list of hair salons that you know.
  • Get opinions from your friends and family. 
  • Look for the credentials of the salons on your list.
  • Go on their social media platforms and look for photo references.
  • Read client reviews on their websites and social media platforms.
  • Call the salons on your list and ask for their services, prices, the products that they use, and other details.
  • Pick the salon that you think is the best. 

Choose a Good Stylist

Selecting the right hairstylist is as important as choosing a good salon. Even if you visit a top-notch hair salon, your perming result might not impress you unless the stylist is excellent at it. The key to getting the perfect perm done is selecting a well-experienced hairstylist with whom you can be comfortable. When selecting a hairstylist, you need to look for the following factors,

  • The training and the qualifications of the stylist.
  • The years of experience.
  • Previous clients’ reviews. 

One of the skills of a great hairstylist is excellent communication. As perming is a chemical procedure, it has a high chance of damaging your hair. A good hairstylist always keeps you informed about this matter and only uses hair products that are relatively harmless to your hair. Unlike rebonding or straightening, the results of a perm can come out to be different than what you expect. However, a good hairstylist will avoid this issue by studying your hair type and understanding your desire. With years of experience, stylists typically have the skill of recommending the hairstyles and textures that compliment your look. Hence, if you are confused about which technique or texture to go for, you can always get their opinions on your hair. Before going for the perm, make sure to have a casual conversation with your stylist to make yourself comfortable and solve all your doubts about the process. It is highly important that you give a detailed description of the perming technique and the result that you are expecting from your stylist to avoid bitter experiences. You can always show picture references to make yourself clear. 

What to discuss with the stylist before a perm?

There are several important points that you should never miss during your consultation with your hairstylist. The most important factor that you need to keep in mind is the history of your hair. Before going for a major chemical treatment like perming, you always need to keep your stylist informed about the previous hair treatments and other procedures that your hair has undergone. If your hair has already been subjected to several chemical procedures, your stylist might even recommend otherwise: not to go for a perm.

Once you’ve disclosed the history of your hair, you need to discuss the future of your hair with the stylist. Make sure to be as specific as you can when describing your hair goals and desires to avoid miscommunication. Do not forget to get the opinions and suggestions of your hairstylist on perming and aftercare of your hair as well. 

Be Ready to Splurge a Little

Perming prices generally depend on the length of your hair. However, if your hair’s condition requires extra care, the anticipated cost might expand a little. If you are going for a perm, be willing to splurge a little more, as you should never compromise the quality of your hair for the price that you are paying. A perm is permanent, and the wrong one could very well leave your hair feeling dry, brittle, or worse. Bottom line: If you can't afford a good perm, it is highly recommended not to get one unless you're ready to explore the idea of a pixie cut if it goes wrong.

Take Notes on Aftercare

A perm is an investment that you make in your appearance. It is not a ‘one-time procedure’ that you can take lightly. As much as it is the salon’s responsibility to give you a great perm, it is also your responsibility to take good care of it afterward. Once you get your perm done, don't forget to ask your stylists for special products suitable for permed hair and styling tips to make the most out of your new hair texture.

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