You can use various products to fix scratched glass lenses. These include Baking soda, Wax, Glass etching solutions, and Anti-scratch coatings. In addition, you can purchase vaseline from a store or order online. Afterward, you should wipe away the vaseline with dry tissue. Then repeat the procedure several times if the scratch is still noticeable. Navigate this link https://boncharge.com/blogs/news/how-to-fix-scratches-on-your-glasses-lenses to learn more techniques.
Baking soda
You can use baking soda to clean your scratched glasses lens. Mix baking soda with warm water until it forms a thick paste. Apply the paste to the scratched lenses by rubbing the lens with a cloth in circular motions. Rinse with water afterward.
Mix baking soda with water to create a thick paste to remove scratches from glasses lenses. Dip a lint-free cloth in the paste and gently rub the scratch with the material until the scratch is removed. Rinse off the glasses afterward. If the scratch is not entirely removed, apply to rubbing alcohol. A microfiber cloth may also work. Another simple home remedy is to scrub the lens with soap and water. You can use furniture spray to remove scratches from reading glasses as well.
There are a few easy ways to clean your glasses lens. First, you should use a low-abrasive metal polish. Next, use a circular motion to apply the polish to the lens, then wipe it off with a cotton cloth. Afterward, you can apply car wax to the lens. Repeat this process every week or as needed.
Another effective option is to polish your lens with a buffing wheel. Using a buffing wheel will help to remove the scratch. This process will take a while, but it will leave your glasses looking brand new! You can try the two options above to get the perfect lens repair. If the scratch is not very deep or stubborn, you can use a paste or a mixture of baking soda and water. If you can't remove the scratch with sandpaper and wax, you can apply furniture spray or car wax. Finally, you can use silver polish to make the surface of the glasses even.
Anti-scratch coatings
The most basic plastic lens, CR-39, will likely come with an anti-scratch coating. CR-39 lenses accounted for 36 percent of the prescription lenses sold in the U.S. in 2019. However, despite their scratch resistance, you still have to take care of them by storing them in a case and cleaning them with a microfiber non-scratch cloth after use.
AR coatings come with a hard, scratch-resistant coating on one side and a thin layer on the other. They can also include hydrophobic, oil-repellent, and anti-static layers. These extra layers repel substances that tend to cause lenses to become fogged up. Because they're easier to clean, they can also decrease surface scratches from frequent use. This feature is recommended for people who work in extreme weather conditions, like first responders.
Glass etching solutions
A glass etching solution is a solution that can be used to repair scratched glasses lenses at home. Glass etching solutions remove the anti-glare and scratch-resistant coatings from your lenses. Unfortunately, they will also damage your lenses. Place your glasses on a plate to use the solution, then soak them in the solution. After an hour, wipe off the solution with water. It is best to wear protective gloves and glasses when applying this solution to your glasses.
If you'd like to fix scratched glasses lenses at home, you can buy an etching solution online. However, using a scratch removal solution to restore glasses is risky since it may corrode the lenses or damage the protective coating on the lens. Also, if you leave the solution on the lenses for too long, the damage will be worse than it was before. If you're unsure about the effects of the etching solution, seek professional help from an eye care professional or eyeglass retailer.
Baking soda-water mixture
A simple remedy for scratched glasses lenses is a baking soda-water paste. You can make a paste by adding water to baking soda and then using a lint-free cloth to rub it into the scratch. You can also use rubbing alcohol or toothpaste, preferably without extra flavor. Apply the paste to the scratched lens, massage it in gently for about 10 seconds, and then remove the paste with clean water. If your lenses are deeply incised, you can also use a brass polish, but applying it to your lenses is not recommended. Instead, use the correct formula since acetone can damage them.
Using a baking soda-water mixture to clean scratched glasses lenses is a simple way to restore your glasses to their former condition. First, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of warm water. Mix it until it forms a paste. Next, rub the mixture on your glasses using a microfiber cloth or cotton ball. After rubbing the scratched lens with the paste, rinse your glasses thoroughly with water and dry with a soft cloth.
Cleaning with alcohol
You can use alcohol to clean your glasses lens, but it can damage the protective coating on the lens. Alcohol can also break down the plastic lens and ruin the anti-reflective coating. So, it is best to use a non-chemical solution. For a more gentle option, use witch hazel instead. This solution should last several months and is safe to use on your lenses. If you don't have a spray bottle with two ounces of alcohol, simply use a smaller one.
Besides alcohol, you can also use baking soda or toothpaste to clean your lenses. If your glasses don't have anti-reflective coatings, you can use rubbing alcohol with a microfiber rag. The toothpaste should not have any flavor, so you don't risk damaging the lenses. Alternatively, you can use soap and water to clean scratched glasses lenses. Finally, if you're afraid of alcohol, you can use baking soda, soap, and water to clean them.