Teachers must be flexible to adapt to the needs of students. Times are changing, so are students and the demand for education. In such a dynamic ecosystem, you simply can't afford to stay stagnant. Teaching methods are evolving; you should try to match your pace with them. Whether you've been teaching for 40 years, or for just four months, it is important to constantly improve your teaching skills.
Remember, students require a broad range of skills to be able to succeed in school and later in their career. Therefore, teachers must have a range of strategies up their sleeve to help students tap into their full potential. If, however, you want some hand holding in this regard, here is some help.
Here are the 6 best strategies to improve your
teaching with certificate courses online for teachers
- Utilise ICT tools,
and digital game-based learning
When guided properly, students of all ages can use technology to enhance their learning. ICT tools can be used to make lessons more engaging and enjoyable for students, and they will help them achieve higher learning outcomes.
Educators can use thousands of online tools to aid their teaching methods. There are also apps that allow teachers and students to create flashcards for easy teaching and learning.
You can use digital games-based learning in your classroom for improved engagement. With such games, it will not be difficult to ensure students’ engagement in the learning process. Additionally, it will enhance their creativity as well as team spirit.
- Tailor your teaching
methods according to students’ needs
Your students will almost certainly be the same age, but it is unlikely that they will all be at the exact same understanding level. So, you must differentiate between students. Provide activities that challenge the more talented members of your class, but also allow for the less skilled to still participate.
Some customised activities can be introduced to challenge gifted pupils to make sure that they are challenged enough.
Also, not all teaching styles work for all students. Some students are visual learners and may learn more by looking at videos or using a mind map. Others may be reading/writing learners and find it easier to read and take notes. You should therefore include many activities in your lessons to accommodate different learning styles.
- Use the flipped
classroom method
Teachers should use the flipped classroom method, which most certificate courses online for teachers discuss in their curricula.
The Flipped Classroom model is a blended learning approach in which traditional ideas regarding homework and classroom activities are "flipped." Instructors ask students to go through the study materials at home. They can then use their classroom time to discuss and put into practice the information they learned before. This allows for increased student-teacher interaction. The student is at the centre of this learning methodology. It also encourages interaction among students. Flipped learning allows teachers to assist students having difficulty in understanding concepts.
- Encourage
collaboration in learning
When students work together to complete a task, it’s called cooperative learning. Because students must depend on each other in order to achieve their goals, cooperative learning is imperative. This helps students to develop teamwork skills, which can be very useful in everyday life.
Students are often afraid of being placed in groups that don't have the same level of work ethics as them. However, to ensure that students develop team spirit, it is important for teachers to make them work in groups.
- Improve your teaching
through communication
It is possible for less experienced teachers to improve their teaching by speaking to more experienced colleagues. This allows them to share good practices and learn new techniques. As they have experienced the same problems and are able to offer support, a more experienced teacher can be a great resource for advice and support.
Communicating with other teachers is vital, but it's equally important to communicate regularly with students and their parents. Parents are vital in the education of their children. They can motivate their children to do well in studies and also make sure they complete their assignments in time.
Parents should also be involved in behaviour management. A child's behaviour can become confusing if it is managed differently at school and at home. Teachers and parents can talk with each other about the best way to manage difficult behaviour, and then come up together with a solution to address any problem.
To facilitate communication between parents, teachers and students, a parent-teacher meeting is a fail-proof solution.
- Create a warm and
welcoming environment
You meet students from all walks of life, including those with different socio-economic backgrounds. It is vital that all students feel at home in your class, and are able to express their opinions, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender.
There are many ways to promote diversity within your classroom. One way is to look at the curriculum, and make sure that students learn about a variety of historical events that involve people from diverse ethnicities and cultures. Also, you should not allow any kind of discrimination in your classrooms.
Can busy professionals enrol for teachers’ training
courses like professional certificate in teaching and learning (PgCTL)?
Whether you are a fresh college pass-out or a busy professional aiming to make it big in the field of education, you should enrol for a teaching course. Any good professional training such as a professional certificate in teaching and learning (PgCTL) course will help you accelerate your professional growth. Yes, candidates with ongoing jobs might face time constraints, but with a little time management, you can easily enrol yourself for as many courses as you want. Besides, these are online courses. Meaning, you can learn at your own pace, from wherever you are.
Regardless of their age and experience level, teachers can improve their teaching methods. Teachers must use the most recent teaching techniques and tools to ensure that their teaching is relevant. This is where teachers' training courses come in. These courses are designed to acquaint teachers with the most up-to-date teaching methodologies to help them teach better. These teaching courses are also important because they enable teachers to create an inclusive learning environment.