How do I Comfort my Dog During a Thunderstorm? 9 Ways

You see the storm coming and you are very thankful for the refreshing rain. But you're also worried because it presents a major challenge to your family: your dog will definitely start acting up. Not all dogs are scared, but those that are, can have huge consequences.

So, how exactly do you comfort your dog during a thunderstorm? Well, thank goodness there are ways, and it's up to you to decide which method is most effective in helping your own dog. Here's the guide ......

How to comfort your dog during a thunderstorm

There are many effective ways to help your dog cope with this stressful situation, and you can even start preparing for a thunderstorm before it hits. From managing your own behavior to using wearable therapy, you can take back some of the control over the situation.

When you do realize that your dog is suffering during a storm, try to minimize the impact by following some of these methods

1. Prepare your dog when you know what's going to happen

You can even start helping your dog before the thunder comes by watching the Weather Channel and keeping an eye on the sky on days you know could result in severe weather.

You'll know to prepare for the remedies discussed below to prevent your dog's anxiety from escalating before you take action. The sooner you can help him or her, the easier it will be to calm them down.

You might even consider staying home on the day you know there will be a nasty storm. This isn't always practical, but it can prevent him or her from hurting themselves when they are home alone during a thunderstorm.

2. Make your dog feel safe before, during and after the storm

When your dog is anxious about an impending storm, he or she will want to hide in a safe place. This can be his bed, a cozy spot on the couch, or even under the blankets on your bed. Make sure your dog has this space indoors, away from the wind, rain and lightning, so he or she can easily feel some sense of security.

3. Reassure your dog with the right words and actions

Although dogs don't speak English, they can understand certain words and behaviors, especially those related to providing comfort.

When a storm hits, you will be tempted to hug your dog, hoping that your presence will bring comfort. Don't be in a hurry to do so, though, because if the dog sees the hug as a reward for his behavior, he may exacerbate the situation.

Also, don't think that yelling at your dog will help. This will increase anxiety. You need to positively reinforce the right behavior.

For example, try massaging your dog to calm him down and reward him when he stops howling or shaking.

4. Try to distract your dog from the thunderstorm

It may be hard to get your stressed dog's attention, but try to get them to play or engage in other much-loved activities. Maybe your dog likes to watch TV with you? If you try this before the storm hits, it's much easier to interact with him or her, so your dog doesn't have time to get overstimulated or scared.

Distract him or her during the worst of the storm to control his or her stress level.

5. Distractions may come in the form of alternative noises

Since the noise may scare the dog away, you can drown out some of it. You can play calming music at a louder volume than the sound of the storm.

White noise can also work or search online for audio specifically designed to calm your dog.

Wrap your dog up, perhaps in a Kuoser pajamas

Being wrapped in Kuoser pajamas can help your dog feel more secure. This can be provided in the form of a wearable item, often called dog pajamas. You can purchase one on the Kuoser store or simply wrap your dog tightly, but still fit comfortably through his body with a crisscrossing scarf.

Some dog owners have even found that a hat made from a layer of fabric can help cover the dog's eyes. Other owners have seen that ear muffs can work as well.

By minimizing what your dog sees or hears, it prevents overstimulation and makes lightning seem less invasive. These accessories help them better handle all visual and auditory stimuli.

7. Think about the impact of your own behavior on your dog

How do you really feel when you're busy taking care of your dog? Remember, dogs are very intuitive and know how people feel. If you are also feeling stressed, it may increase your dog's anxiety level during a thunderstorm.

Even if you do feel a little stressed, don't make your behavior too obvious: use a calm tone of voice, never shout, don't make a fuss about what your dog is doing; pay attention to him, but don't focus all your energy on him.

8. Consider giving your dog medication under veterinary supervision

Some dogs are very anxious and a storm may only add to the already high stress levels. Some of the remedies mentioned above may not be enough to help them cope with a thunderstorm without taking action.

For them, you may need to ask your veterinarian. There are anti-anxiety medications on the market, some of which are natural and therefore do not cause any side effects. For example, dog pheromones or lavender products have helped many families with their anxious dog challenges.

9. Desensitize after the storm

When the storm is over, your options don't stop. On a normal day, you can still help your dog cope better with the storm by desensitizing him or her.

If your dog is also afraid of fireworks and other loud noises, then the sounds of the storm may be the main problem. You can try to get your dog used to these sounds by playing a recording of him. Start at a low volume and play it every day, increasing the volume every few days.

Why are dogs afraid during storms?

The exact reason why dogs are afraid of thunder is not known. Dogs may also be different, so what scares your dog may be different from your neighbor. In general, Heararound experts suspect that some or all of the following may affect your dog: the sound of the storm, usually at a frequency you can't hear yourself, changes in barometric pressure, wind, and the visual impact of lightning.

How to know if your dog is stressed during a storm

As a pet owner, it's wise to know your dog's habits so you can determine when he or she is in distress. If you don't know that he or she is triggered by a storm, you won't be able to stop it or handle the situation correctly to benefit both you and your dog.

If the weather is bad, you may notice them shivering or howling. However, they may also react in less obvious ways, such as rubbing their noses against you and scratching you with their paws. Others will hide or display destructive behavior.


For those of you with anxious pets, knowing how to comfort your dog during a thunderstorm is essential. While some dogs are great about this, dogs who hate the sound of thunder can be very frightened and this can cause huge problems.

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