You've probably heard about essential oils curing everything, from stress to psoriasis and everything in between. However, the majority of individuals do not discuss how to use essential oils properly. On the internet, there is a lot of compelling material out there, so it's critical to understand the precautions before diving into essential oil research. There is a wide range of topics, including how to replace dangerous chemicals in your home with Young Living Essential Oils, a plethora of DIY formulas, and much more! But, for now, let's get started with top essential oil safety precautions.
1. Select Wisely: Essential oils are not all created equal. Make
certain the oils you're buying don't contain any synthetics or pesticides.
Synthetic oils are created in a lab and usually contain only a small amount of
the plant's solvent, which gives them a pleasant odor. The solvents' privacy
might cause skin irritation and unpleasant reactions. Pesticides are commonly
sprayed on low-cost products, and because essential oils are obtained by
refining the plant, you are also purchasing everything else refined.
2. Spicy Oils: Some essential oils are considered spicy.' If
applied to the skin without diluting it with a carrier oil, these oils can be
risky. Coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil are some of the most
common carrier oils. It is advisable to use a carrier oil while using any
essential oil.
3. How to Use Essential Oils
Around Your Eyes: If you do not
know how to use essential oil cautiously, your skin could easily get irritated.
So, if you are using essential oil around your eye and it starts to tingle,
your first instinct would be to wash it off with water. But this is one common
mistake that should be avoided at all costs, as water and essential oil do not
mix well.
4. Patch Test: Before using new oil, perform a patch test to
ensure there is no negative reaction. Mix 1 tiny spoon of carrier oil + a few
drops of essential oil. Apply a small amount on the inner arm and wait up to 24
hours to see if a reaction develops.
5. Focus on the Feet: One of the best ways to introduce essential oil is
to use it on your feet. Yes, our feet have the thickest skin, but even then, it
is important to dilute it with a carrier oil before application.
6. Keep Essential Oils Away
from Children and Pets: Essential
oils have a pleasant scent, so your small children may be drawn to them. But it
is important to be cautious while using it near children and pets as it can be
7. Using Essential Oils on
Children: When using essential
oils with children, always check the safety warnings on the bottle. Always
combine with a suitable quantity of carrier oil, use solely on the feet, and
test on a small area first. Although there are exceptions, it is a good rule of
thumb to avoid using essential oils on young children and babies. Instead of
directly applying essential oils to your child, disperse them in the air or
ingest them like an aroma.
8. Photosensitive oils include bergamot, petitgrain, and the majority of
citrus oils. If persisted and then exposed to sunshine, this condition can
produce skin irritations comparable to a sunburn. When you plan on being
outside during the day, avoid using photosensitive oils.
9. Use common sense: Essential oils are relaxing when used correctly and
in moderation. But too much in everything is not good, and the same rule
applies to essential oils.