Factors Play Important Role in Website Ranking and SEO company Consultancy

Relevance is only a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for getting top positions in search results. When ranking, you also need to consider other factors: domain, technical, text, commercial, behavioral, traffic and link. It is estimates by various, from 130 to 600, however, only a few dozen have a significant impact on the ranking.

Domain factors

These include the domain level, the occurrence of a keyword or phrase in the domain name, the age and history of sites on the domain, as well as the history of PS sanctions that were imposed on these sites. Domain factors affect the entire site as a whole. They are important for both Google and Yandex.

Technical factors

This group includes continuous site availability, page loading speed, HTML code size, template responsiveness, https support, and other technical characteristics that make the site convenient and safe for the user. It is unknown which of these factors act independently and which indirectly through custom metrics, but they definitely affect rankings, albeit not as strongly as textual ones.

Textual and other internal factors

This includes the volume and content of the text on the promoted page and other pages of the site, occurrences of keywords, content of meta tags and other features of the text. These factors determine the relevance of a page. Both Google and Yandex attach great importance to text factors.

Internal non-textual factors include the number of pages, the age of documents, the number of images and embedded videos, downloads, and other content. In general, the larger the site and the more in-demand content of all kinds on it, the more chances it will take high positions in the search results.

Behavioral and traffic factors

Behavioral factors describe the behavior of the average user on the page and the site as a whole and show how attractive he is to visitors. The most famous and probably most important are snippet CTR, average visit duration, number of views per visit, bounce rate and bounce rate.

Traffic factors are traffic in general, referrals from social networks, email, and direct referrals. Sites with high search and non-search traffic are more likely to get good positions on new pages (the old ones are obviously already in good positions) than sites with low traffic.

Behavioral factors are very important for Yandex. They matter less when promoting on Google. Traffic factors are important for both search engines.

Commercial factors

Commercial factors show how reliable and user-friendly a site is as a sales tool. The presence of contact information from the regions of promotion, the presence and number of contact phones and other methods of communication, methods of payment and delivery and information about them, the price list, assortment and even prices affect the ranking in both Yandex and Google.

Reference factors

Link factors are the number of links to the page and the site as a whole, their age, anchors, the estimated transmitted weight. These factors have different meanings for Google and Yandex. For both search engines, the number of links and especially unique domains referring to the site plays a role, both are bad about purchased links, but for Google, the number of links to the promoted page is important, and Yandex does not attach much importance to links to the page. For this purpose you can get the help from seo company Toronto which is best seo tools and agency.

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