The little guy is finally here!! But... There's a problem. Your newborn has developed what's called a flat head syndrome. Your baby will likely show signs of misshapen or flat spots on his/her skull that are caused by pressure from daily wear and tear. This can happen before a baby is even one year of age. Babies are born with soft spots on their heads so that their brains can grow larger, making room for more connections. These spots are called "fontanels."
The fontanel is the soft spot on a baby's head where the skull bones haven't yet grown together, and it will eventually close by the time a baby is 9 to 18 months old. Fontanels allow for rapid brain growth and skull enlargement, but soft spots also leave babies at risk of injury. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent flat head syndrome which we'll discuss here.
6 Tips on How to Prevent Flat Head Syndrome
1. Positioning - A baby spends a lot of time sleeping and can spend up to 16 hours a day snoozing. It's important that you make sure your baby is getting enough tummy time during the day as well as sleeping on his/her back at night. If you've been putting your little one down for naps on its stomach, switch to either the back or side position.
2. Use a Head Positioner - One of the leading causes of flat head syndrome is having your baby sleep on his/her stomach while not putting enough time in during the day to "flatten" out the misshapen skull. Using Lil Cuddler baby supplies such as a head positioning pillow or cushion can help promote good posture and reduce the severity of any developmental issues that arise because your baby spends too much time in one position.
3. Keep it Cool - Temperature plays a major role in whether or not your baby develops flat head syndrome, so you'll want to make sure their little heads are cool enough to keep them sleeping soundly throughout the night. If you notice your baby's head becoming warmer than the rest of his or her body, this could be a sign that it might be too hot.
4. Alternate Head Positioning - This tip is more related to preventing torticollis (poor muscle development), but can also help prevent flat head syndrome. When putting your baby down for naps or at night, make sure to rotate his/her head 45 degrees each time. This allows for good blood flow and prevents the baby's neck muscles from shortening or lengthening too much.
5. Exercise - Baby activities like tummy time are great exercises for your little one. Not only will this help out with preventing flat head syndrome, but tummy time also helps to strengthen your baby's neck muscles and improve head control.
6. Talk to Your Baby's Doctor - If you are noticing that your baby's head is not becoming rounder or flatter, or if the flat spot seems to be progressing over time, go ahead and talk with your child's doctor. He/she may recommend using a helmet for a short period of time to help "round out" the misshapen areas of the skull.
Put these tips to good business use in order to help prevent flat head syndrome. Be sure to talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions about how best to care for your little one. Good luck!