There has been alot of 2K ratings drama recently, withsupplementingthe trailers that we usually get twomonths before the game releases, it feels like a fun little game toplay withthe real NBA players,becausesome of them they'reactually motivated by 2K ratings and NBA 2K22 Coins, butwhen there's no trailer and there's nonews about the new game, the ratings aresimplyboring and they'refluff to add to the marketing of 2K. there's somecrazy ratingsabout Russell Westbrook and we can't confirm if this isofficial, but it looksvery well photoshopped. if this islegitimate and apparently Westbrook isan 85 overall in 2K22. butthe more important thing is the features, the official featureswithin the game.
NBA 2K22 Possible New Features - Animation, Dribble Moves& More
First thing we're going to gothrough some of the 2K’s tweets, but do not takethese tweets verbatim, they were deletedfor a reason. a lot ofpeople are saying the game is going tobe delayed now, becauseMikeWang had to delete the tweets, maybe hewasn't allowed to release the featuresof the game yet. but there is probably a moreplausible reason.
The tweets above indicates that Mike Wang will bereleasing another courtside report aweek before the game comes out.wemight not even get a trailer before thegame comesout. The animation part is really interesting, because this couldbreakthe gametwo or three months afterthe game comes out. forexample, they have maybe a third oftheir animations in thegamecompared to last year, they'retrying to keep the game fresh with“new animations”, but they'rerecycled animations and they'retrying to leave the overpowered onesuntilmaybe spring or summer whenno one really cares about the gameanymore so that you will be willing to spend more 2K22 MT Coins again, and this is going to be asimilar pattern to MyTeam, where in thebeginning of the year, you really haverealistic overall ratings, you haverealistic animations. and then by the endof the year, you have seven foot sevenSean Bradleydunkingover three defenders and shooting halfcourt threes, that could potentially bewhat 2K22 in the springtime, whichcouldn'tmake or break the game.
They might release some overpoweredanimations two months after the gamecomes out, which means people willget sick and tired of or curry slided, ormaybethere's some type of other weirdmomentum behind the back that breaks thegame two months in. seasonal animationsreally will break the game if the devsrelease overpowered and unrealistic animations for players that have a certain dribbling rating.
let's say for example in the beginning of the year, you can't speed boost with
a 76 or maybe a 79 overall ball handling, and then closer to springtime, those
same players that have a 79 overall ball handling, and maybe they're taller
players too, maybe they get animations that are quite frankly overpowered and
will destroy the guards that were doing well throughout
the year. this also will result in more people creating more builds throughout
the year, because the meta is going to constantly change which will cost you
more NBA 2K22 PC VC MT.
and that's different in compared to other battle passes in other games or other
“seasons” in other games. so it’s interesting to see how all of this will pan
out eventually, but right now all we can do is to wait until the NBA 2K22
Current Gen and Next Gen come out.