5 Tips to Take Care of Your Health During Season Change

After bidding farewell to chilling winters, the beautiful spring season is here- daffodils are blooming, days are getting longer, and the bright sun is fascinating everyone to get outside and have a gala time. Halt! If you are allergic or feel congestion, you should barely get out. Weather change brings seasonal depression to many. People can suffer from different disorders, allergies, mood swings, or even fall sick. Some people are more prone to get viruses and colds.

So, if you want to stay in the pinkest of your health and welcome your favorite season, here are some quick tips:

Eat Right

To stay healthy, you should keep your immune system strong to fight different infections. Check what you can do:

  • Set your meals with a balanced diet. It should be a mix of nutrients, calcium, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  • Search the web for healthy and energy-boosting recipes or consult with a dietician. 
  • Divide your meals because now the days will be longer, and you may feel hungry frequently
  • Junk food is always a no, while fresh juices, salads, grains, poultry are always welcome
  • Avoiding eating overcooked or stale food
  • Eat seasonal fruits and veggies and fresh meat

Pick the Right Exercise

Regular exercise is also vital if you want to stay at bay from different seasonal disorders. Let’s take a look at how you can exercise:

  • Chilling winters have gone you can do morning walk or jog in the park
  • Learn some yoga postures that help you to breathe correctly and keep your lungs healthily
  • Once in a week, you can do some cardio that helps you to sweat out those extra calories
  • If you run short with the time or feel bore during exercise, pick activities like swimming, play badminton, tennis, cycling, or whatever your favorite outdoor sport

So, the basic funda is to keep yourself active and stress-free with regular exercise.


It is a new normal to keep at bay from the virus. So, do not forget to:

  • Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds
  • Wear a mask whenever you step out of the house
  • Carry sanitizer and if you touch any object outside, immediately sanitize your hands
  • Do regular cleaning and sanitization of your house

The vaccine is here, but still, you have to be extra careful. Protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 and follow the protocols.

Common Culprits

Seasonal allergies, lethargy, flu are common. You do not need to panic. Follow these things to wipe out your seasonal worries:

  • Do not touch the gym equipment, stair railings, products at the store shelves unnecessary
  • Dress according to the weather and keep some room for light woolies for night
  • Cover your mouth whenever you sneeze or cough
  • Take a proper sleep
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Consult with a doctor for some anti-allergic medicines

Opt for Health Insurance

Flu, respiratory problems, lung infections can turn havoc if not treated timely. But, increasing medical inflation and rising healthcare costs hinder and give you stress. Thus, it is wise to opt for the best mediclaim plan and stay protected.

Trusted brands like Care Insurance and others offer a comprehensive mediclaim policy with the below benefits:

  • Immediate cashless hospitalization 
  • Coverage for major critical illnesses
  • Cover all types of cancers and offer chemotherapy and radiotherapy cover
  • Cover pre and post hospitalization expenses
  • OPD Cover, no limit on ICU charges
  • Coverage for major heart ailments
  • Organ donor cover and  dialysis cover
  • No upper age for enrolment with lifelong renewability 
  • Affordable EMI


Do not allow weather change to ruin your spring fun. Follow these five tips and stay healthy.

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